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A TOP United States official has held tough talks in Port of Spain with the Rowley Government.

The discussions were aimed as a stepping stone to the establishment of sensitive investigative units to counter organised crime and links to Latin American cartels.

Several elite law enforcement organisations would deepen their involvement in Trinidad and Tobago if both countries sign a formal agreement.

Linda Specht, a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Biden Administration, last week held three days of discussions, during which she took a hardline on drug, gun, and human trafficking, and relations with Venezuela.

Specht, a major security and foreign policy advisor, stressed the serious transshipment crimes in which Trinidad and Tobago is entangled, including activities by offshore syndicates.

She discussed the presence of organised criminal groups in T&T, a matter that the US State Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations raised with Prime Minister Rowley in Washington a few weeks ago.

The capacity of the protective services, including the Coast Guard, corruption in their ranks, and the need for additional resources were on the agenda during last week’s talks.

The US, which has operatives of several crime-fighting agencies in Port of Spain, is prepared to strengthen its Southern Command’s presence, according to informed sources.

Specht’s visit is likely to be followed by an official accord.

A diplomatic source said the Specht visit was designed to reinforce the US position and detail its offer of support.

The talks could lead to formalising “tangible support” from the US upon a bilateral agreement.

US agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigations, were the primary movers in recent major offshore drug busts.

There was a $184 million drug bust last week in Cedros, but, as with all the other raids, no major operatives were held.

There is keen interest in whether joint operations would lead to the arrests of drug and gun transshipment kingpins.

The agencies have also provided critical intelligence information to the local authorities.

A recent parliamentary report revealed corruption in all local agencies of the protective services.

The US also wants to bolster relations with T&T in light of the July 28 Venezuelan presidential election, which is expected to be “won” by incumbent Nicholas Maduro after the banning of opposition candidate Maria Corina Machado.

The Americans are set to re-impose sweeping economic sanctions on Venezuela next month and are keen on keeping strategic ties with T&T.

Further discussions on security are expected in the upcoming months.



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