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BATTLE-SCARRED Terrence Deyalsingh is likely to be replaced by in-favour Dr. Maryam Abdool-Richards as the People’s National Movement’s (PNM) general election candidate for St. Joseph.

Dr. Richards, who is serving on State and private sector boards of directors, has the backing of senior PNM officials to contest the marginal constituency.

Deyalsingh, who has faced relentless criticism as Minister of Health, may be asked by the party’s top brass to step out gracefully, as Maxie Cuffie, Nicole Olivierre, Edmund Dillon and others did in 2020.

The incumbent Member of Parliament is a pharmacist and former part-time lecturer.

Richards is the Principal Medical Officer in the Health Ministry and former Technical Director of a funded health services programme, and has training in diplomacy and international relations.

There is speculation that she will be the shoo-in as Health Minister if the PNM wins the forthcoming general election.

“She is strongly fancied by the higher-ups,” a PNM source said.

Richards is also a director of NIPDEC, Eastern Regional Health Authority, TATIL and Angostura Holdings.

She was awarded the Chaconia Medal (Gold) in the 2022 national honours, and praised by Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley as having made “a sterling contribution to healthcare delivery” during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Deyalsingh was an Opposition Senator from November 2010 to October 2013, when he contested and won the by-election for the St. Joseph constituency.

He was re-elected in 2015 and 2020.

When Gary Griffith, leader of National Transformation Alliance, announced plans last March to challenge for the seat, Deyalsingh was dismissive.

“They are taking the people of St. Joseph for fools,” he snapped.

But he has since run silent, and sources said he has reduced his presence in the constituency.

“He is lying low,” a PNM operative said.

Deyalsingh captured 9,354 votes in the 2020 polls, with the United National Congress’ Ahloy Hunt gaining 8,543 ballots.

Hunt called for a recount and queried the legality of 159 additional votes for Deyalsingh.

Public surveys have found that the vast majority of citizens are dissatisfied with the public healthcare system, which is riddled with shortages of crucial equipment and facilities.

The PNM’s polling has revealed public discontent with the taxpayer-funded system.

In 2021, the parliamentary opposition piloted a motion of no-confidence in Deyalsingh, claiming that he “unequivocally demonstrated his inability to competently execute his services.”

He has faced public litigation, including for blocking open-air cremations during the Covid-19 crisis.

He had refused to lift the restriction even though medical evidence showed that cremations did not pose a threat of the spread of the disease.

The Health Ministry has also been criticised for its delayed response to the outbreak of dengue and the shortage of vector sprayers and other relevant essentials.

Richards, the daughter-in-law of former President Max Richards, has 15 years experience in the public and private medical sector, and has acted as Chief Medical Officer.

She is involved in the Islamic community, while Deyalsingh has ties with the Presbyterian faith.

The PNM has selected candidates for certain marginal seats, most notably Barataria-San Juan and Chaguanas East, with Dr. Muhammed Yunus Ibrahim and Richi Sookhai respectively.

Ibrahim is Vice President of the Senate and Sookhai is a Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport.

Ibrahim and Richards are both related to Dr. Wahid Ali, a former President of the Senate.



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