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WHAT does former Chairman Gerry Brooks have to do with the just-exposed $200 million compressor scandal at National Gas Company (NGC)? 

Brooks resigned suddenly two years ago, announcing that he was returning to the private sector. 

He has not been heard of since. 

A few months earlier, NGC lost a staggering $197.5 million in wasteful spending on a non-starter compressor facility at Beachfield, Guayaguayare. 

The scandal remained a well-kept secret until it was exposed in a daily newspaper, based on documents supplied by a whistleblower. 

The outrage follows the spending of almost $440 million on Train 1 of Atlantic LNG facility, with the project unable to get off the ground because of insufficient gas feedstock. 

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley has stoutly defended the Train 1 expenditure, and expressed confidence in NGC’s embattled President Mark Loquan. 

Loquan earns $200,000 a month, opposition Member of Parliament Dr. Roodal Moonilal has claimed. 

The NGC boss’ contract is due to expire in two months. 

Experts are asking several searching questions about the compressor project, which was aimed at NGC entering the existing low-pressure gas market. 

They include these 15: 

  • Who was responsible for conceptualizing the project? 
  • Who determined that the project was viable, and on what basis? 
  • Who made the purchasing decision? 
  • What was the full cost of the project, including design, negotiations, equipment, ground preparation, piping etc? 
  • What role was played by the Board of Directors, headed by Brooks? 
  • Were any specialists hired? 
  • How was the supply of the equipment tendered out? 
  • Who supplied bids? 
  • What were the evaluation criteria? 
  • When was the decision taken not to proceed with the project, and why? 
  • When were the Minister of Energy and Energy Committee of Cabinet advised? 
  • What is the status of the purchased equipment? 
  • Is the equipment covered by insurance? 
  • How was the purchase financed, and in what currency? 
  • Were there any concessions provided to the company supplying the equipment or any other associated input? 


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