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Categories: Crime


By BRIAN LARA, Cricket Legend

I WAS in complete shock and dismay after watching video footage in which a childhood friend got killed while sitting watching basketball at a local bar in Cantaro, the once sleepy village in which I grew up.

There is more to the video I rather not mention but it pains me to see what was once the most beautiful village, with cocoa and orange estates lining its outskirts, crumbling under the burden of crime and relentless violence.

Like every kid back in the day, I helped myself to all the hanging fruits available, ignoring “No Trespassing” signs to the detriment of my butt whenever my dad found out.

But that was as far as it got.

Feuds within the village or with neighbouring villages were settled on the field of play, the only battles I knew about. 

The three Williams brothers were notorious and feared in the village but the rest of us focused on sports and our role models were all sports personalities.

We were in awe of all the greats representing us on the international stage, like Sir Viv Richards, Sir Gordon Greenidge, Claude Noel, and Hasely Crawford. 

Culture and beauty were also creating waves, the likes of the late Bob Marley, Sparrow, the late Kitchener, and, of course, our beautiful Penny Commissiong. 

Growing up was fun; most of the positive news we got via transistor radios stuck to our ears as one of our people from the Atlantic Archipelago achieved greatness.

I never forgot my mother cooking a pot of pelau and my dad packing all of us into his white Belmont car destined for the airport to witness the return of our gold medalist Hasely Crawford. 

That day stuck with me and I dreamt of the same reception one day for myself.

It was an emotional day watching one man celebrated as he put our small country on the map just by following the dream he had as a kid.

Today I am laying in my room in Jaipur, India, and yes searching for answers and solutions for my team Sunrisers Hyderabad in the IPL, but deep down I am hurting as I see my country slowly turning into a place that’s unsafe for all Trinbagonians. 

Trinidad and Tobago, like many other countries, faces challenges with youth involvement in crime.

The issue of youth crime in Trinidad and Tobago has been a concern for many years and is driven by a range of complex social, economic, and cultural factors. 

One contributing factor is financial worries which affect many young people in Trinidad and Tobago.

Young people from low-income families may feel pressure to engage in criminal activities to earn money or support their families.

This invariably leads to involvement in drug trafficking, gang activity, and other criminal behaviour. 

Yes, I understand but I still look back with a vivid memory of my first indulgence, stealing cocoa and oranges, and quiver at the consequences if I was found out.

I had such big dreams that these small misdemeanors were quickly brushed aside because of my steadfast focus on my commitment to becoming someone my village and country would be proud of… the Hasely Crawford of cricket. 

Another factor is the breakdown of family structures, which could lead to a lack of guidance and supervision for young people.

The absence of parental figures or positive role models could leave young people vulnerable to negative influences and peer pressure, which could lead to criminal behaviour.

I was blessed with two wonderful parents, Pearl and Bunty, who kept all 11 of us in line and motivated us to make something of our lives.

I don’t think there is a parent who wants a life of crime for his or her children but if you don’t pay attention to your offspring someone will happily do so for you. 

The availability of illegal firearms is also a major contributor to youth crime in Trinidad and Tobago.

Guns are often used in gang-related activities, and the possession of firearms has become a symbol of power and status among some young people. 

There is also a lack of access to education and employment opportunities for many young people in Trinidad and Tobago, which could leave them feeling marginalised and frustrated. 

Without the skills and resources necessary to succeed, some young people will turn to crime as a means of survival.

It’s heartbreaking to hear about the current state of my village and country, especially with the increase in youth involvement in crime.

It’s important to understand the root causes of this issue and address them through comprehensive strategies that provide education and employment opportunities, promote positive role models and mentorship programmes, and improve access to social services and mental health resources.

The value of sports should not be ignored, as it could provide a positive outlet for young people and help keep them away from negative influences.

Encouraging and investing in sports programmes could help to channel the energy and passion of young people into something positive, while also providing opportunities for personal growth and development.

It’s important for all members of society to come together to address this issue and work toward creating a safer and more prosperous future for Trinidad and Tobago.

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