Contact Information

Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

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What the Media Won’t Tell You!

CounterPunchTT is a Professional News Platform. Here we will provide you with fair and transparent, based on professional and unbiased content. We’re dedicated to providing you the best of News, with a focus on dependability and Investigative Journalism. We’re working to turn our passion for News into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our reports as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

What we Do!

Experienced in Data Research and Analysis for comprehensive Investigative Journalism, Digital Marketing and Media Management. Strong believer in journalistic integrity and unbiased reporting of events regardless of the risk/reward ratio.

The Honest Media!

Providing an honest media platform for users to experience straight-forward journalism through news articles, investigative stories and editorials. We aim to push the voice of the people and bring full awareness on the censored stories that directly affect our society.

Meet Our Publishing Authors

Wherever & whenever you need us. We are here for you – contact us for all your support needs,
be it technical, general queries or information support.