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UNITED States Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to raise questions about human trafficking when she meets this week with Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and other Caricom leaders.

VP Harris is likely to ask for an update on measures taken by the Trinidad and Tobago authorities on the major ongoing crime, which the US has red-flagged.

The Vice President is meeting on Thursday (June 8) with Caricom leaders, in Nassau, Bahamas, to discuss what the White House called “a range of regional issues.”

There would also be discussions on climate change.

But the Americans are deeply concerned about T&T’s lack of progress with respect to human trafficking, which two years ago led to this country being placed on the undesirable Tier 2 Watch List.

The latest US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report said that T&T did not meet minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.

The damning report said that unnamed senior government officials were involved in the crime, and called for a full and transparent investigation.

Police, immigration, customs, and coast guard officials are tied into an extensive network of T&T human traffickers, the report stated.

Several initiatives are being undertaken to stamp out the scourge, it was explained.

Rowley later told Parliament that T&T was working with the US to improve the rating but that there was an issue with respect to the lack of convictions.

In April, the Government retained Antoinette Lucas-Andrews, a US expert in combating human trafficking, for six months to review and assess the recommendations of the State Department.

Ms. Lucas-Andrews is an attorney and international relations professional experienced in strategic inter-governmental engagement.

She has a background in intelligence, security, human rights, policy development, and programme coordination.

The White House said VP Harris would express the US’ “commitment to advance cooperation with the Caribbean…”

The US is equally adamant that the rule of law is upheld with respect to human trafficking and that there is an increase in victim protection efforts.

There are three programmes through which the US Embassy in Port of Spain and agencies of the State Department are coordinating efforts in counter-trafficking in persons.

Rowley is expected to be asked to provide an update on what headway T&T has made in rooting out this prevailing crime.



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