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LISA Agard, CEO of the loss-making Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT), has managed to secure some prized corporate positions in recent years. 

Agard, whose tenure at TSTT has so far been marked by heavy financial losses and lay-off of workers, was confirmed in the post after acting for several months. 

While TSTT reported losses of $453 million in its most recent fiscal years, international telecommunications companies have reported a financial rebound after Covid-19. 

The local company said it had to cut 468 jobs in order to survive. 

Reports are the major players in the US and other large markets have scored significantly increased profits. 

These companies are expanding markets by being innovative and investing in new technologies. 

TSTT, which is majority-owned by Trinidad and Tobago’s taxpayers, has been enduring a struggle to stay alive. 

Agard’s report card so far is the losses of finance and jobs. 

Communications Workers’ Union and the opposition United National Congress have made allegations about a high-cost executive hiring in the face of the retrenchment of workers. 

Agard has not responded. 

Her appointment at TSTT was made by the Government, as the majority-owned shareholder. 

Before she landed at the telecom company, Agard chaired the State-owned media organisation, whose subventions from the Government have increased in recent years. 

Her professional career also includes a brief stint as head of Guardian Media Company. 

She continues to ride on even as TSTT struggles to stay alive. 



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