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THE staying of an injunction over the appointment of a Commissioner of Police means that Trinidad and Tobago would not have a substantive police chief for at least another six weeks. 

During that time, Acting Commissioner Gary Griffith is due to return to office at the end of his vacation. 

Current Acting Commissioner McDonald Jacob is then expected to resume his job of Deputy Commissioner. 

Matters surrounding the appointment of a commissioner are becoming more complex as new developments emerge. 

Anand Ramesar, an applicant to lead the Police Service, had his injunction upheld by a High Court judge, but the substantive case comes before another judge on October 24. 

After the matter is disposed off, the formal parliamentary procedure of appointing a commissioner could begin. 

That could mean several weeks during which Griffith would be unsure of his fate, and there would be continued speculation about whether Jacob would occupy his seat full-time. 

Jacob is mere months away from age 60. 

So, yet another applicant could be in the mix. 

Ramesar, of course, is also seeking the position. 

All of that could mean musical chairs for the post of top cop in crime-ridden Trinidad and Tobago, which has endured several murders in recent weeks.   



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